1 min readAug 2, 2017

It’s funny and it just doesn’t make sense when I have 505 names in contact list yet I still talk to myself.

If ur read this and ur having someone’s contact yet it has never crossed ur mind to send an encouraging txt or voice mail or just a greating…just delete the number.Dont even lie to me or urself that oneday its gonna be of use, if u didn’t realize that up until today means there’s no such as oneday.Just delete!!! If u have mine too…..delete…. b’se I already did what I had to.

This is where I found you I discovered you from deep within the hidden walls of my heart just laying domant patiently waiting for me..waiting for the moment when I will be tired with the world outside tired of hoping and expecting from people even when I know not to, but still I was stubborn hoping things will change Yet you still waited for my return waited for us to unite waited for us to be together waited just waited

I found the complete set of myself with or without any of the outside world I’m the way friendship is just a ship heading to bay who knows what’s awaiting there…talk to urself

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